A Nextgen Construction Material

Wish you all a Very Happy Prosperous and Creative NEW Year 2014!  It’s a great pleasure in presenting before you, yet another edition of "Constro News" on the occasion of the seminar on the Topic  "Applications of Ferrocement in Building Construction". Leading professionals in the field working with this material have expressed their thoughts and experiences in use of this material to explain its versatility , applications and technicalities. In today’s world where sustainability and efficiency is the buzz word, Ferrocement technology provides solutions which can be adopted by the professionals for appropriate applications. The Seminar and the articles presented in this Newsletter would certainly add to the knowledge about this technique. As the Constro 2014 draws closer, things are at a hectic pace to put up a grand show. We bring you updates on the various aspects about the organisation through this newsletter. 
So until the next time........


                                                                                                                    Ar. Shirish Kembhavi